ICreateErrorInfo : IUnknown

This interface returns error information.

At a Glance

Header file: Oaidl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later

The ICreateErrorInfo interface returns error information.

Implemented by Used by Header filename Import library name
(32-bit systems)

(16-bit systems)

Applications that return rich error information. Oleauto.h




Method Description
ICreateErrorInfo::SetDescription Sets a textual description of the error.
ICreateErrorInfo::SetGUID Sets the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the interface that defined the error.
ICreateErrorInfo::SetHelpContext Sets the Help context identifier for the error.
ICreateErrorInfo::SetHelpFile Sets the path of the Help file that describes the error.
ICreateErrorInfo::SetSource Sets the language-dependent programmatic identifier for the class or application that raised the error.