ICreateTypeInfo : IUnknown

This interface provides the tools for creating and administering the type information defined through the type description.

At a Glance

Header file: Oaidl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later

Method Description
ICreateTypeInfo::AddFuncDesc Adds a function description as a type description.
ICreateTypeInfo::AddImplType Specifies an inherited interface.
ICreateTypeInfo::AddRefTypeInfo Adds a type description to those referenced by the type description being created.
ICreateTypeInfo::AddVarDesc Adds a data member description as a type description.
ICreateTypeInfo::DefineFuncAsDllEntry Associates a dynamic-link library (DLL) entry point with a function that has a specified index.
ICreateTypeInfo::LayOut Assigns virtual function table (VTBL) offsets for virtual functions and instance offsets for per-instance data members.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetAlignment Specifies data alignment for types of TKIND_RECORD.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetDocString Sets the documentation string displayed by type browsers.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncAndParamNames Sets the function name and names of its parameters.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncDocString Sets the documentation string for a function.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetFuncHelpContext Sets the Help context identifier for a function.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetGuid Sets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the type library.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetHelpContext Sets the Help context identifier of the type description.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetImplTypeFlags Sets the attributes for an implemented or inherited interface of a type.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetMops Sets the opcode string for a type description.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetTypeDescAlias Sets the type description for which this type description is an alias, if TYPEKIND=TKIND_ALIAS.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetTypeFlags Sets type flags of the type description that is being created.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVarDocString Sets the documentation string for a variable.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVarHelpContext Sets the Help context identifier for a variable.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVarName Sets the name of a variable.
ICreateTypeInfo::SetVersion Sets version numbers for the type description.