ICreateTypeInfo2 : ICreateTypeInfo

This interface derives from ICreateTypeInfo and adds methods for deleting items that have been added through ICreateTypeInfo.

At a Glance

Header file: Oaidl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later

The ICreateTypeInfo2 interface derives from ICreateTypeInfo, and adds methods for deleting items that have been added through ICreateTypeInfo.

The ICreateTypeInfo::LayOut method provides a way for the creator of the type information to check for any errors. A call to QueryInterface() can be made to the ICreateTypeInfo instance at any time for its ITypeInfo interface. Calling any of the methods in the ITypeInfo interface that require layout information lays out the type information automatically.


interface ICreateTypeInfo2 : ICreateTypeInfo
Method Description
ICreateTypeInfo2::DeleteFuncDesc Deletes a function description specified by the index number.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetName Sets the name of the typeinfo.
ICreateTypeInfo2::DeleteFuncDescByMemId Deletes the function description specified by member identifier.
ICreateTypeInfo2::DeleteVarDesc Deletes the specified VARDESC structure.
ICreateTypeInfo2::DeleteVarDescByMemId Deletes the specified VARDESC structure.
ICreateTypeInfo2::DeleteImplType Deletes the IMPLTYPE flags for the indexed interface.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetCustData Sets a value for custom data.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetHelpStringContext Sets the context number for the specified Help string.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetFuncCustData Sets a value for a specified custom function.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetFuncHelpStringContext Sets a Help context value for a specified custom function.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetVarCustData Sets a custom data variable.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetParamCustData Sets the specified parameter for the custom data.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetImplTypeCustData Sets the implementation type for custom data.
ICreateTypeInfo2::SetVarHelpStringContext Sets a Help context value for a specified variable.