
This method displays a dialog box that lets the user select from the options supported by a file filter.

At a Glance

Header file: Replfilt.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


STDMETHODIMP ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions(HWND hwndParent);



Handle to the parent window for the filtering options dialog box.

Return Values

NOERROR indicates success. If an error occurs, the appropriate HRESULT value is returned.


A file filter that includes user selectable conversion options should implement an ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions method. Windows CE Services calls the filter’s ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions method when the user selects a supported conversion type from the conversion selection dialog box and presses the Options button, which is not supported for Windows CE version 1.0. FilterOptions should display a dialog box that lets the user select from the conversion options supported by the file filter.

A file filter only needs to support the ICeFileFilter::FilterOptions method if the HasOptions named value exists in the \HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\PegasusFilter key. For more information about file filter registry entries and extension keys, see Transferring Files.