
This method is implemented to perform any initialization before the input panel window is displayed.

At a Glance

Header file: Sip.h
Windows CE Versions: 2.01 and later


HRESULT Showing( void );

Return Values

An appropriate HRESULT value is returned.


This method is called by the input panel when the user toggles the visible status of the input panel on. Programmatically, this occurs when the SIPF_ON flag is toggled in the SIPINFO structure. Use this method to initialize any parameters, structures, and functions that relate to displaying the IM. The IM can also use any data that was stored with a previous call to IInputMethod::Hiding to initialize the window. After this method is complete and the input panel window is shown, the window and its children, such as those created by the IM, receive WM_PAINT messages.

See Also

IInputMethod::Hiding, SIPINFO, WM_PAINT