
This method returns a value that indicates the status of an object at creation and loading.

At a Glance

Header file: Oleidl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


HRESULT GetMiscStatus( DWORD dwAspect, DWORD * pdwStatus);



[in] Specifies the aspect of an object about which status information is being requested. The value is obtained from the enumeration DVASPECT (see “FORMATETC Data Structure”).


[out] Pointer to where the status information is returned; cannot be NULL.

Return Values

One of the values described in the following table is returned.

Value Description
S_OK Status information returned successfully.
OLE_S_USEREG Delegate the retrieval of miscellaneous status information to the default handler’s implementation of this method.
CO_E_CLASSNOTREG There is no CLSID registered for the object.
CO_E_READREGDB Error accessing the registry.


A container normally calls IOleObject::GetMiscStatus when it creates or loads an object in order to determine how to display the object and what types of behaviors it supports.

Objects store status information in the registry. If the object is not running, the default handler’s implementation of IOleObject::GetMiscStatus retrieves this information from the registry. If the object is running, the default handler invokes IOleObject::GetMiscStatus on the object itself.

The default value of MiscStatus is used if a subkey corresponding to the specified DVASPECT is not found. To set an OLE control, specify DVASPECT==1.  This will cause the following to occur in the Registry:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ . . .\MiscStatus = 1

Notes to Implementers

Implementation normally consists of delegating the call to the default handler.