IReplStore : IUnknown

This interface implements all required functions related to the store.

At a Glance

Header file: Cesync.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later

IReplStore Methods Description
IReplStore::ActivateDialog Activates an ActiveSync service provider-specific dialog box.
IReplStore::BytesToObject Converts an array of bytes to a HREPLOBJ, which can be either a HREPLITEM or HREPLFLD, when loading.
IReplStore::CompareItem Compares the specified handles using entry identifiers, such as file names or record numbers.
IReplStore::CompareStoreIDs Compares two store identifiers to determine if they are equal.
IReplStore::CopyObject Copies one HREPLOBJ, which can be either a HREPLITEM or HREPLFLD, over to another.
IReplStore::FindFirstItem Returns a new HREPLITEM of the first object in the specified folder, if there’s any.
IReplStore::FindItemClose Completes the Find operation in the specified folder.
IReplStore::FindNextItem Returns a new HREPLITEM of the next object in the specified folder, if there’s any.
IReplStore::FreeObject Frees the specified HREPLOBJ handle.
IReplStore::GetConflictInfo Gets information about two conflicting objects.
IReplStore::GetFolderInfo Returns a HREPLFLD for folder, specified the object type name. Also returns a pointer to the IReplObjHandler of the specified object type.
IReplStore::GetObjTypeUIData Sends user interface (UI)-related data about an object type to the ActiveSync service manager.
IReplStore::GetStoreInfo Gets information about the current store instance.
IReplStore::Initialize Initializes the ActiveSync service provider.
IReplStore::IsFolderChanged Determines if any object in a specified folder has been changed since the method was last called.
IReplStore::IsItemChanged Determines if the item has changed.
IReplStore::IsItemReplicated Determines if the item should be replicated using ActiveSync service provider-defined rules.
IReplStore::IsValidObject Determines if the specified handles are valid.
IReplStore::ObjectToBytes Converts the HREPLOBJ, which can be either a HREPLITEM or HREPLFLD, to an array of bytes when saving.
IReplStore::RemoveDuplicates Finds and removes duplicated objects from the store.
IReplStore::ReportStatus ActiveSync service manager is reporting to the store about the status of the synchronization.
IReplStore::UpdateItem Updates the object’s time stamp, change number, and other information that is stored in the specified handle.


The IReplStore : IUnknown interface encapsulates all functions needed to access the objects in the store. A handle of type HREPLITEM identifies each object in the store.