ITypeLib2 : ITypeLib

This interface inherits from the ITypeLib interface. This allows ITypeLib to cast to an ITypeLib2 in performance-sensitive cases, rather than perform extra QueryInterface and Release calls. This casting procedure is not compatible with Windows 95 or Windows NT version 3.51.

At a Glance

Header file: Oaidl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later

The ITypeLib2 interface inherits from the ITypeLib interface. This allows ITypeLib to cast to an ITypeLib2 in performance-sensitive cases, rather than perform extra QueryInterface and Release calls.


Method Desription
ITypeLib2::GetCustData Gets the custom data.
ITypeLib2::GetDocumentation2 Retrieves the library’s documentation string, the complete Help file name and path, and the context identifier for the library help topic.
ITypeLib2::GetLibStatistics Returns statistics about a type library that are required for efficient sizing of hash tables.
ITypeLib2::GetAllCustData Gets all custom data items for the library.