Lists of Platform Builder Components

The coredll module contains the following components:

accel_c fileinfo serdev
coreimm fileopen shcore
coreloc fmtmsg shellapis
coremain fmtres shexec
coresioa fpemul shmisc
coresiow lmem shortcut
coresip locusa tapilib
corestra mgdi_c thunks
corestrw rectapi wavelib
cryptapi rsa32 wmgr_c

The cplmain module contains the following components:

backlight keyboard power
colorscheme mouse sip
comm network sounds
datetime owner stylus
dialing password system
display pointercmn  

The filesys module contains the following components:

fsdbase fspass fsysrom
fsheap fsreg pmstub
fsmain fsysram  

The gwes Module contains the following components:

accel imgctl mgtci
audio immthunk mgtt
btnctl journal mgwinmgr
calibrui kbdui mnoover
caret lbctl mnotapui
cascade loadbmp msgbeep
cdlctl loadimg msgbox
clipbd loadstr msgbox2
cmbctl mcursor msgbox28
column mcursor8 msgque
cursor menu mtapui
cursor2 menuscrl nclient
cursor8 mgalias nled
defwndproc mgbase notifmin
dlgmgr mgbitmap notifpub
dlgmnem mgblt notify
drawmbar mgblt2 oom
edctl mgdc oomui
foregnd mgdibsec sbcmn
gcache mgdraw scbctl
getpower mgdrwtxt startui
gsetwinlong mgdx startup
gwectrl mgfe stcctl
gweshare mgpal syscolor
gwesmain mgpalnat tchui
hotkey mgprint timer
icon mgrast uibase
iconcurs mgrast2 winmgr
idle mgrgn wmbase

The ole32 module contains the following components:

com ole232
docfile olemain
exp stg

The winsock module contains only one component:
