Simple Data Types

Various simple data types define the size and meaning of parameters, return values, and members associated with the functions, messages, and structures of Windows CE.

Type Definition
ABORTPROC Pointer to an application-defined callback function that the operating system calls when a print job is to be canceled during spooling.
ATOM Atom (a reference to a character string in an atom table).
BOOL Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE).
BOOLEAN Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE).
BYTE Byte (8 bits).
CCHAR Windows character.
CEOID Unique object identifier that can be used to specify an object in the Windows CE Object Store.
CEGUID Globally unique identifier that can be used to specify a database volume
CHAR Windows character.
COLORREF Red, green, blue (RGB) color value (32 bits).
CONST Variable whose value is to remain constant during execution.
CRITICAL_SECTION Critical-section object.
DLGPROC Pointer to an application-defined dialog box callback procedure.
DWORD Doubleword (32 bits).
DWORDLONG Double (64 bits).
FARPROC Pointer to a callback function.
FLOAT Floating-point variable.
FONTENUMPROC Pointer to an application-defined callback function that enumerates fonts.
GLOBALHANDLE Handle of a global memory block.
HACCEL Handle of an accelerator table.
HANDLE Handle of an object.
HBITMAP Handle of a bitmap.
HBRUSH Handle of a brush.
HCURSOR Handle of a cursor.
HDC Handle of a device context (DC).
HFILE Handle of a file.
HFONT Handle of a font.
HGDIOBJ Handle of a GDI object.
HGLOBAL Handle of a global memory block.
HHOOK Handle of a hook.
HICON Handle of an icon.
HINSTANCE Handle of an instance.
HKEY Handle of a registry key.
HKL Handle of a keyboard layout.
HLOCAL Handle of a local memory block.
HMENU Handle of a menu.
HMODULE Handle of a module.
HPALETTE Handle of a palette.
HPEN Handle of a pen.
HRGN Handle of a region.
HRSRC Handle of a resource.
HWINSTA Handle of a workstation.
HWND Handle of a window.
INT Signed integer.
LANGID Language identifier.
LCID Locale identifier.
LCTYPE Locale type.
LOCALHANDLE Handle of a local memory block.
LONG 32-bit signed value.
LONGLONG Double (64 bits).
LP Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode™ string.
LPARAM 32-bit message parameter.
LPBOOL Pointer to a Boolean variable.
LPBYTE Pointer to a byte.
LPCCH Pointer to a constant Windows character.
LPCH Pointer to a Windows character.
LPCOLORREF Pointer to a COLORREF value.
LPCRITICAL_SECTION Pointer to a critical-section object.
LPCSTR Pointer to a constant null-terminated Windows character string.
LPCTSTR Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode or Windows character string.
LPCWCH Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode character.
LPCWSTR Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode character string.
LPDWORD Pointer to an unsigned doubleword (32 bits).
LPHANDLE Pointer to a handle.
LPINT Pointer to a signed integer.
LPLONG Pointer to a signed long (32 bits).
LPSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string.
LPTCH Pointer to a Unicode character or a Windows character.
LPTSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Windows or Unicode character string.
LRESULT Signed result of message processing.
LPVOID Pointer to any type.
LPWCH Pointer to a Unicode character.
LPWORD Pointer to an unsigned word (16 bits).
LPWSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode character string.
LUID Locally unique identifier.
NPSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string.
NWPSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string.
PBOOL Pointer to a Boolean variable.
PBOOLEAN Pointer to a Boolean variable.
PBYTE Pointer to a byte.
PCCH Pointer to a constant Windows character.
PCH Pointer to a Windows character.
PCHAR Pointer to a Windows character.
PCSTR Pointer to a constant null-terminated Windows character string.
PCWCH Pointer to a constant Unicode character.
PCWSTR Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode character string.
PDWORD Pointer to an unsigned doubleword (32 bits).
PEGOID Unique object identifier that can be used to specify an object in the Windows CE Object Store.
PFLOAT Pointer to a floating-point variable.
PHANDLE Pointer to a handle.
PHKEY Pointer to a registry key.
PINT Pointer to a signed integer.
PLCID Pointer to a locale identifier.
PLONG Pointer to a signed long (32 bits).
PLUID Pointer to a locally unique identifier (LUID).
PROC Pointer to a callback function.
PSHORT Pointer to a signed short (16 bits).
PSID Pointer to a security identifier (SID).
PSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string.
PSZ Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string.
PTBYTE Pointer to a Windows or Unicode character.
PTCH Pointer to a Windows or Unicode character.
PTCHAR Pointer to a Windows or Unicode character.
PTSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Windows or Unicode character string.
PUCHAR Pointer to an unsigned Windows character.
PUINT Pointer to an unsigned integer.
PULONG Pointer to an unsigned long (32 bits).
PUSHORT Pointer to an unsigned short (16 bits).
PVOID Pointer to any type.
PWCH Pointer to a Unicode character.
PWCHAR Pointer to a Unicode character.
PWORD Pointer to an unsigned word (16 bits).
PWSTR Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode character string.
REGSAM Security access mask for registry key.
SHORT Short integer.
SPHANDLE Pointer to a handle.
TBYTE Windows or Unicode character.
TCHAR Unicode character or Windows character.
TIMERPROC Pointer to an application-defined timer callback function.
UCHAR Unsigned Windows character.
UINT Unsigned integer.
ULONG Unsigned long integer (32 bits).
USHORT Unsigned short integer (16 bits).
VOID Any type.
WCHAR Unicode character.
WNDENUMPROC Pointer to an application-defined callback function that enumerates windows.
WNDPROC Pointer to an application-defined window procedure.
WORD Unsigned word (16 bits).
WPARAM 32-bit message parameter.