Various simple data types define the size and meaning of parameters, return values, and members associated with the functions, messages, and structures of Windows CE.
Type | Definition |
ABORTPROC | Pointer to an application-defined callback function that the operating system calls when a print job is to be canceled during spooling. |
ATOM | Atom (a reference to a character string in an atom table). |
BOOL | Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE). |
BOOLEAN | Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE). |
BYTE | Byte (8 bits). |
CCHAR | Windows character. |
CEOID | Unique object identifier that can be used to specify an object in the Windows CE Object Store. |
CEGUID | Globally unique identifier that can be used to specify a database volume |
CHAR | Windows character. |
COLORREF | Red, green, blue (RGB) color value (32 bits). |
CONST | Variable whose value is to remain constant during execution. |
CRITICAL_SECTION | Critical-section object. |
DLGPROC | Pointer to an application-defined dialog box callback procedure. |
DWORD | Doubleword (32 bits). |
DWORDLONG | Double (64 bits). |
FARPROC | Pointer to a callback function. |
FLOAT | Floating-point variable. |
FONTENUMPROC | Pointer to an application-defined callback function that enumerates fonts. |
GLOBALHANDLE | Handle of a global memory block. |
HACCEL | Handle of an accelerator table. |
HANDLE | Handle of an object. |
HBITMAP | Handle of a bitmap. |
HBRUSH | Handle of a brush. |
HCURSOR | Handle of a cursor. |
HDC | Handle of a device context (DC). |
HFILE | Handle of a file. |
HFONT | Handle of a font. |
HGDIOBJ | Handle of a GDI object. |
HGLOBAL | Handle of a global memory block. |
HHOOK | Handle of a hook. |
HICON | Handle of an icon. |
HINSTANCE | Handle of an instance. |
HKEY | Handle of a registry key. |
HKL | Handle of a keyboard layout. |
HLOCAL | Handle of a local memory block. |
HMENU | Handle of a menu. |
HMODULE | Handle of a module. |
HPALETTE | Handle of a palette. |
HPEN | Handle of a pen. |
HRGN | Handle of a region. |
HRSRC | Handle of a resource. |
HWINSTA | Handle of a workstation. |
HWND | Handle of a window. |
INT | Signed integer. |
LANGID | Language identifier. |
LCID | Locale identifier. |
LCTYPE | Locale type. |
LOCALHANDLE | Handle of a local memory block. |
LONG | 32-bit signed value. |
LONGLONG | Double (64 bits). |
LP | Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode™ string. |
LPARAM | 32-bit message parameter. |
LPBOOL | Pointer to a Boolean variable. |
LPBYTE | Pointer to a byte. |
LPCCH | Pointer to a constant Windows character. |
LPCH | Pointer to a Windows character. |
LPCOLORREF | Pointer to a COLORREF value. |
LPCRITICAL_SECTION | Pointer to a critical-section object. |
LPCSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated Windows character string. |
LPCTSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode or Windows character string. |
LPCWCH | Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode character. |
LPCWSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode character string. |
LPDWORD | Pointer to an unsigned doubleword (32 bits). |
LPHANDLE | Pointer to a handle. |
LPINT | Pointer to a signed integer. |
LPLONG | Pointer to a signed long (32 bits). |
LPSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string. |
LPTCH | Pointer to a Unicode character or a Windows character. |
LPTSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Windows or Unicode character string. |
LRESULT | Signed result of message processing. |
LPVOID | Pointer to any type. |
LPWCH | Pointer to a Unicode character. |
LPWORD | Pointer to an unsigned word (16 bits). |
LPWSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode character string. |
LUID | Locally unique identifier. |
NPSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string. |
NWPSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string. |
PBOOL | Pointer to a Boolean variable. |
PBOOLEAN | Pointer to a Boolean variable. |
PBYTE | Pointer to a byte. |
PCCH | Pointer to a constant Windows character. |
PCH | Pointer to a Windows character. |
PCHAR | Pointer to a Windows character. |
PCSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated Windows character string. |
PCWCH | Pointer to a constant Unicode character. |
PCWSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated Unicode character string. |
PDWORD | Pointer to an unsigned doubleword (32 bits). |
PEGOID | Unique object identifier that can be used to specify an object in the Windows CE Object Store. |
PFLOAT | Pointer to a floating-point variable. |
PHANDLE | Pointer to a handle. |
PHKEY | Pointer to a registry key. |
PINT | Pointer to a signed integer. |
PLCID | Pointer to a locale identifier. |
PLONG | Pointer to a signed long (32 bits). |
PLUID | Pointer to a locally unique identifier (LUID). |
PROC | Pointer to a callback function. |
PSHORT | Pointer to a signed short (16 bits). |
PSID | Pointer to a security identifier (SID). |
PSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string. |
PSZ | Pointer to a null-terminated Windows character string. |
PTBYTE | Pointer to a Windows or Unicode character. |
PTCH | Pointer to a Windows or Unicode character. |
PTCHAR | Pointer to a Windows or Unicode character. |
PTSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Windows or Unicode character string. |
PUCHAR | Pointer to an unsigned Windows character. |
PUINT | Pointer to an unsigned integer. |
PULONG | Pointer to an unsigned long (32 bits). |
PUSHORT | Pointer to an unsigned short (16 bits). |
PVOID | Pointer to any type. |
PWCH | Pointer to a Unicode character. |
PWCHAR | Pointer to a Unicode character. |
PWORD | Pointer to an unsigned word (16 bits). |
PWSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode character string. |
REGSAM | Security access mask for registry key. |
SHORT | Short integer. |
SPHANDLE | Pointer to a handle. |
TBYTE | Windows or Unicode character. |
TCHAR | Unicode character or Windows character. |
TIMERPROC | Pointer to an application-defined timer callback function. |
UCHAR | Unsigned Windows character. |
UINT | Unsigned integer. |
ULONG | Unsigned long integer (32 bits). |
USHORT | Unsigned short integer (16 bits). |
VOID | Any type. |
WCHAR | Unicode character. |
WNDENUMPROC | Pointer to an application-defined callback function that enumerates windows. |
WNDPROC | Pointer to an application-defined window procedure. |
WORD | Unsigned word (16 bits). |
WPARAM | 32-bit message parameter. |