
This macro posts the PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS message to a wizard property sheet. The PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS message enables or disables the Back, Next, and Finish buttons in a wizard property sheet. You can use this macro or explicitly send or post the PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS message.

At a Glance

Header file: Prsht.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later
Related message: PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS


VOID PropSheet_SetWizButtons( HWND hPropSheetDlg DWORD dwFlags);



Handle to the property sheet.


Specifies the buttons to display and enable. It is one of the following flags:

Value Description
PSWIZB_BACK Enables the Back button.
PSWIZB_NEXT Enables the Next button.
PSWIZB_FINISH Displays an enabled Finish button in place of the Next button.
PSWIZB_DISABLEDFINISH Displays a disabled Finish button in place of the Next button.

A wizard property sheet displays the Back button and either the Next or Finish button, which means that the PSWIZB_BACK flag is coupled with one of the other three flags.

Return Values


See Also