
This function checks a specified menu item and makes it a radio item. At the same time, the function unchecks all other menu items in the associated group and clears the radio-item type flag for those items.

At a Glance

Header file: Winuser.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


BOOL API CheckMenuRadioItem(HMENU hmenu, UINT idFirst,
idLast, UINT idCheck, UINT uFlags);



[in] Handle to the menu that contains the group of menu items.


[in] Identifier or position of the first menu item in the group.


[in] Identifier or position of the last menu item in the group.


[in] Identifier or position of the menu item to check.


[in] Value that specifies the meaning of idFirst, idLast, and idCheck. If this parameter is MF_BYCOMMAND, the other parameters specify menu item identifiers. If it is MF_BYPOSITION, the other parameters specify the menu item positions.

Return Values

Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The CheckMenuRadioItem function sets the MFT_RADIOCHECK type flag and the MFS_CHECKED state for the item specified by idCheck and, at the same time, clears both flags for all other items in the group. The checked item is displayed using a bullet bitmap instead of a check-mark bitmap.

For more information about menu item type and state flags, see the MENUITEMINFO structure.