
This function creates a pop-up menu. The menu is initially empty. You can fill it with menu items by using the InsertMenu and AppendMenu functions.

At a Glance

Header file: Winuser.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


HMENU CreatePopupMenu(void);

Return Values

The handle to the newly created menu indicates success. NULL indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


To create a menu bar, use the CreateMenu function.

The application can add the new menu to an existing menu, or it can display a shortcut menu by calling the TrackPopupMenuEx or TrackPopupMenu functions.

Resources associated with a menu that is assigned to a window are freed automatically. If the menu is not assigned to a window, an application must free system resources associated with the menu before closing. An application frees menu resources by calling the DestroyMenu function.

See Also

AppendMenu, DestroyMenu, InsertMenu, TrackPopupMenu