
This function points to a structure that specifies the size and position on a screen of input boxes, which collect characters drawn by a user.

At a Glance

Header file: Recog.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


BOOL HwxSetGuide ( HRC hrc, HWXGUIDE * lpGuide );



[in] Handle to the handwriting recognition context (HRC) object.


[in] Long pointer to a HWXGUIDE structure.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


Call HwxSetGuide after the HwxCreate function and before accepting user input to the HRC with calls to the HwxInput function. The handwriting recognition engine requires that an application specify a HWXGUIDE structure for HRC objects.

The HWXGUIDE structure can define one input area, or box, or it can define many input areas. When the guide contains multiple input boxes, HwxGetResults returns results for multiple characters.

See Also

HwxCreate, HwxGetResults, HWXGUIDE,HwxInput