
This function sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings.

At a Glance

Header file: Imm.h
Windows CE versions: 2.10 and later (Japanese version 1.0 and later)


BOOL ImmSetCompositionString(HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex,
LPCVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPCVOID lpRead,
DWORD dwReadLen);



[in] Handle to the input context.


[in] Specifies the type of information to set. This parameter can be one of one of the following values:

Value Description
SCS_SETSTR Sets the composition string, the reading string, or both. At least one of the lpComp and lpRead parameters must point to a valid string. If either string is too long, the IME truncates it.
SCS_CHANGEATTR Sets attributes for the composition string, the reading string, or both. At least one of the lpComp and lpRead parameters must point to a valid attribute array.
SCS_CHANGECLAUSE Sets the clause information for the composition string, the reading string, or both. At least one of the lpComp and lpRead parameters must point to a valid clause information array.


[in] Long pointer to the buffer containing the information to set for the composition string. The information is as specified by the dwIndex value.


[in] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the information buffer for the composition string.


[in] Long pointer to the buffer containing the information to set for the reading string. The information is as specified by the dwIndex value.


[in] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the information buffer for the reading string.

Return Values

Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure.


When changing attributes, all characters in a clause must have the same attribute. Converted characters must be either ATTR_CONVERTED or ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED; unconverted characters either ATTR_INPUT or ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED.

When changing clause information, only the target clause can be changed and only one boundary of the clause can be changed at a time. The target clause has the ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED or ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED attribute.

When the IME completes the changes, it sends a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message to the application notifying it of the changes.

See Also