
This function opens a specified waveform output device for playback.

At a Glance

Header file: Mmsystem.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


MMRESULT waveOutOpen(LPHWAVEOUT phwo, UINT uDeviceID, LPWAVEFORMATEX pwfx, DWORD dwCallback, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwOpen);



Address filled with a handle identifying the open waveform-audio output device. Use the handle to identify the device when calling other waveform-audio output functions. This parameter might be NULL if the WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY flag is specified for fdwOpen.


Identifier of the waveform-audio output device to open. It can be either a device identifier or a Handle to an open waveform-audio input device. You can use the following flag instead of a device identifier:

Value Description
WAVE_MAPPER The function selects a waveform-audio output device capable of playing the specified format.


Pointer to a WAVEFORMATEX structure that identifies the format of the waveform-audio data to be sent to the device. You can free this structure immediately after passing it to waveOutOpen.


Specifies the address of a fixed callback function, an event handle, a handle to a window, or the identifier of a thread to be called during waveform-audio playback to process messages related to the progress of the playback. If no callback function is required, this value can be zero.


Specifies user-instance data passed to the callback mechanism. This parameter is not used with the window callback mechanism.


Flags for opening the device. The following values are defined:

Value Description
CALLBACK_EVENT The dwCallback parameter is an event handle.
CALLBACK_FUNCTION The dwCallback parameter is a callback procedure address.
CALLBACK_NULL No callback mechanism. This is the default setting.
CALLBACK_THREAD The dwCallback parameter is a thread identifier.
CALLBACK_WINDOW The dwCallback parameter is a window handle.
WAVE_ALLOWSYNC If this flag is specified, a synchronous waveform-audio device can be opened. If this flag is not specified while opening a synchronous driver, the device will fail to open.
WAVE_FORMAT_DIRECT If this flag is specified, the ACM driver does not perform conversions on the audio data.
WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY If this flag is specified, waveOutOpen queries the device to determine if it supports the specified format, but the device is not actually opened.
WAVE_MAPPED If this flag is specified, the uDeviceID parameter specifies a waveform-audio device to be mapped to by the wave mapper.

Return Values

One of the values described in the following table is returned.

Value Description
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE Specified device handle is invalid.
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID Specified device identifier is out of range.
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER No device driver is present.
MMSYSERR_NOMEM Unable to allocate or lock memory.
WAVERR_BADFORMAT Attempted to open with an unsupported waveform-audio format.
WAVERR_SYNC Device is synchronous but waveOutOpen was called without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag.


Use the waveOutGetNumDevs function to determine the number of waveform-audio output devices present in the system. If the value specified by the uDeviceID parameter is a device identifier, it can vary from zero to one less than the number of devices present. The WAVE_MAPPER constant can also be used as a device identifier.

The structure pointed to by pwfx can be extended to include type-specific information for certain data formats by using the WAVEFORMATEX structure to specify the length of the additional data.

If you choose to have a window or thread receive callback information, the following messages are sent to the window procedure function to indicate the progress of waveform-audio output: MM_WOM_OPEN, MM_WOM_CLOSE, and MM_WOM_DONE.

If you choose to have a function receive callback information, the following messages are sent to the function to indicate the progress of waveform-audio output: WOM_OPEN, WOM_CLOSE, and WOM_DONE.