This message is sent by an application to set the widths of the left and right margins for an edit control. The message redraws the control to reflect the new margins.

At a Glance

Header file: Winuser.h
Windows CE Versions: 1.0 and later


EM_SETMARGINS wParam = (WPARAM) fwMargin;
lParam = (LPARAM)MAKELONG(wLeft, wRight);



Specifies the margins to set. It is one or a combination of the following values:

Value Description
EC_LEFTMARGIN Sets the left margin.
EC_RIGHTMARGIN Sets the right margin.
EC_USEFONTINFO Uses information about the current font of the edit control to set the margins. For a single-line edit control, margins are set to the average width of characters in the font. For a multiline edit control, the right margin is set to the “A” width of the font (the distance added to the current position before drawing a character), and the left margin is set to the “C” width (the distance added to the current position to provide white space to the right of a character).
If EC_USEFONTINFO is specified, the lParam parameter is ignored.


Value of the low-order word of lParam. Specifies the width of the left margin, in pixels. This value is ignored if fwMargin does not include EC_LEFTMARGIN or if EC_USEFONTINFO is specified.


Value of the high-order word of lParam. Specifies the width of the right margin, in pixels. This value is ignored if fwMargin does not include EC_RIGHTMARGIN or if EC_USEFONTINFO is specified.

Return Values



The EC_USEFONTINFO flag for fwMargin is not supported.

See Also