This message sets the range of a progress bar control to a 32-bit value.

At a Glance

Header file: Commctrl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


PBM_SETRANGE32 wParam = (WPARAM)(int) iLowLim;
lParam = (LPARAM)(int) iHighLim;



Specifies a 32-bit value that represents the low limit to be set for the progress bar control.


Specifies a 32-bit value that represents the high limit to be set for the progress bar control.

Return Values

Returns a DWORD that holds the previous 16-bit low limit in its low-order word, and the previous 16-bit high limit in its high-order word. If the previous ranges were 32-bit values, the return value consists of the low-order words of both 32-bit limits.


To retrieve the entire high and low 32-bit values, use the PBM_GETRANGE message.