This message selects the specified tree view item, scrolls the item into view, or redraws the item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag and drop operation. You can send this message explicitly or by using the TreeView_Select, TreeView_SelectItem, or TreeView_SelectDropTarget macro.

At a Glance

Header file: Commctrl.h
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later
Related macros: TreeView_Select TreeView_SelectItem TreeView_SelectDropTarget


  1. TVM_SELECTITEM wParam = (WPARAM) flag;
    lParam = (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM) hitem;



Action flag. It is one of the following values:

Value Description
TVGN_CARET Sets the selection to the specified item. The tree view control's parent window receives the TVN_SELCHANGING and TVN_SELCHANGED notification messages.
TVGN_DROPHILITE Redraws the specified item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation.
TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE Ensures that the specified item is visible, and, if possible, displays it at the top of the control's window. Tree view controls display as many items as will fit in the window. If the specified item is near the bottom of the control's hierarchy of items, it might not become the first visible item, depending on how many items fit in the window.


Handle to an item. If hitem is NULL, the control is set to have no selected item.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


If the specified item is the child of a collapsed parent item, the parent's list of child items is expanded to reveal the specified item. In this case, the control's parent window receives the TVN_ITEMEXPANDING and TVN_ITEMEXPANDED notification messages.

See Also