This message is sent to an application when a window of the application is activated.

At a Glance

Header file: Imm.h
Windows CE versions: 2.10 and later (Japanese version 1.0 and later)


iShow = (DWORD) lParam;



Boolean that is set to TRUE if the input context is active, or to a FALSE, the context is inactive.


Show flags. It can be a combination of the following values:

Value Description
ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW Shows the composition window by UI window.
ISC_SHOWUIGUIDWINDOW Shows the guide window by UI window
ISC_SHOWUISOFTKBD Shows the soft keyboard by UI window
ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW Shows the candidate window of Index 0 by UI window.
ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW << 1 Shows the candidate window of Index 1 by UI window.
ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW << 2 Shows the candidate window of Index 2 by UI window.
ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW << 3 Shows the candidate window of Index 3 by UI window.

If the application draws the composition window, the default IME window does not need to show its composition window. In this case, the application must clear the ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW value from the lParam parameter before passing the message to the DefWindowProc or ImmIsUIMessage functions.

Return Values

Returns the value returned by DefWindowProc or ImmIsUIMessage.


Windows CE applications should pass this message to the DefWindowProc function.

See Also

DefWindowProc, ImmIsUIMessage