This structure contains or receives information for a specific button in a toolbar.

At a Glance

Header file: Commctrl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


typedef struct {
UINT cbSize;
DWORD dwMask;
int idCommand;
int iImage;
BYTE fsState;
BYTE fsStyle;
WORD cx;
DWORD lParam;
LPTSTR pszText;
int cchText;



Size of the structure, in bytes. This member must be filled in prior to sending the associated message.


Indicates which members contain valid information. This member must be filled in prior to sending the associated message. This can be a combination of one or more of the following values:

Value Description
TBIF_COMMAND The idCommand member contains valid information or is being requested.
TBIF_IMAGE The iImage member contains valid information or is being requested.
TBIF_LPARAM The lParam member contains valid information or is being requested.
TBIF_SIZE The cx member contains valid information or is being requested.
TBIF_STATE The fsState member contains valid information or is being requested.
TBIF_STYLE The fsStyle member contains valid information or is being requested.
TBIF_TEXT The pszText member contains valid information or is being requested.


Command identifier of the button.


Image index of the button.


State flags of the button. This is a combination of one or more of the toolbar button states.


Style flags of the button. This is a combination of one or more of the toolbar button styles.


Specifies the width of the button, in pixels.


Specifies the application defined 32-bit value associated with the button.


Pointer to a character buffer that contains or receives the button text.


Size of the buffer at pszText. If the button information is being set, this member is ignored.