Setting Synchronization Options

For a user to change synchronization options, the desktop provider module must supply a UI that enables a user to select options. There is no limitation or specification for the UI.

A user can gain access to the UI in two ways:

Once a user selects a service provider, the service manager calls IReplStore::ActivateDialog, which displays the UI for the selected service provider. If the desktop provider module does not support a synchronization options dialog box, the call to IReplStore::ActiveDialog must return E_NOTIMPL. To get a handle to a parent window to display a dialog box or message box, have the desktop provider module call IReplNotify::GetWindow.

If a user chooses to remove a service provider, IReplStore::ActivateDialog returns RERR_UNLOAD. If a user cancels the synchronization options dialog box, IReplStore::ActivateDialog returns RERR_CANCEL.

You can save synchronization options for the desktop provider module either in the registry or in the HREPLFLD handle. If you save synchronization options in a HREPLFLD handle, the desktop provider module sets default option values in IReplStore::GetFolderInfo. If the pointer to which phFolder points is NULL, the desktop provider module must create a new HREPLFLD. If the pointer is not NULL, the desktop provider module loads the options from Repl.dat.