The following table shows the RAPI database functions. Many of them are supported in Windows CE 2.1 or later. Note that the RAPI functions that support the extended database API of Windows CE 2.1 and later are not exported by previous RAPI DLLs. Your application will not load if the desktop computer has a previous version of Rapi.dll and has attempted to implicitly load one of these functions.
Database management functions |
CeCreateDatabase | CeOpenDatabaseEx |
CeCreateDatabaseEx | CeReadRecordProps |
CeDeleteDatabase | CeReadRecordPropsEx |
CeDeleteDatabaseEx | CeSeekDatabase |
CeDeleteRecord | CeSetDatabaseInfo |
CeFindFirstDatabase | CeSetDatabaseInfoEx |
CeFindFirstDatabaseEx | CeWriteRecordProps |
CeFindNextDatabase | CeMountDBVol |
CeFindNextDatabaseEx | CeUnmountDBVol |
CeOidGetInfoEx | CeEnumDBVolumes |
CeOpenDatabase | CeFindAllDatabases |
Call the CeFindAllDatabases function to get information about all databases of a specified type. The information is returned in an array of CE_FIND_DATA structures.
You must free the memory allocated by the CeFindAllDatabases or CeReadRecordProps function by calling the CeRapiFreeBuffer function.