Sample File Filter Registry Entry

The following is a sample registry editor (.reg) file that is used to register the Bitmap Image file filter converter. This converter is to be used when a bitmap file is imported from a desktop computer to a Windows CE–based device. The sample file can be used to convert a bitmap file with a .bmp format to a bitmap file with the .2bp format used by Windows CE. The last three entries register the .2bp file extension to be displayed with a specific icon and name.

Note The 2bp.dll file converter is registered and installed when Windows CE Services is installed on the desktop computer.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\Filters\.bmp]


@="Bitmap Image"

@="c:\Program Files\Windows CE Services\2bp.dll,-1000"


"Description"="Bitmap Image."


@="Bitmap Image"

@="c:\Program Files\Windows CE Services\minshell.dll,-2025"