
The [DefaultInstall] section is required and describes the default installation of your application.

[CEShortcuts=shortcut_list_section[,shortcut_list_section]]   ; new key
[CESetupDLL=setup_DLL]                                        ; new key
[CESelfRegister=self_reg_DLL_filename[,self_reg_DLL_filename] ; new key
String that identifies one more section that defines shortcuts to a file, as defined in the [CEShortcuts] section.
Optimal string that specifies a Setup.dll. It is written by the independent software vendor (ISV) and contains customized functions for operations during installation and removal of the application. The file must be specified in the [SourceDisksFiles] section.
String that identifies files that self-register by exporting the DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer Component Object Model (COM) functions. You must specify the files in the [SourceDiskFiles] section.

During installation, if installation on the device fails to call the file's exported DllRegisterServer function, the file's exported DllUnregisterServer function will not be called during removal.

The following code example shows a typical [DefaultInstall] section.

AddReg = RegSettings.All
CEShortcuts = Shortcuts.All