A tab control is analogous to a set of dividers in a notebook or labels in a file cabinet. In a property sheet, a user selects a tab to move from one property sheet page to another. The following screen shot shows a Windows CE tab control.
You send messages to a tab control to add tabs and otherwise affect the appearance and behavior of the control. Each message has a corresponding macro, which you can use instead of sending the message explicitly. Though you cannot disable an individual tab in a tab control, you can disable a tab control in a property sheet by disabling the corresponding page.
Each tab in a tab control consists of a label and application-defined data. This data is specified by a TCITEM structure. You can add tabs to a tab control, get the number of tabs, retrieve and set the contents of a tab, and delete tabs. Tabs are identified by their zero-based index.
Windows CE supports two extended tab control styles. The first style uses the TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE message or its corresponding macro, TabCtrl_SetExtendedStyle, to set the extended style. It uses the TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE message or its corresponding macro, TabCtrl_GetExtendedStyle, to retrieve the extended style.
Note Because an extended tab control style is not the same as an extended window style, you cannot pass an extended tab control style to CreateWindowEx when you create a tab control.
The second extended tab control style, TCS_EX_FLATSEPARATORS, draws a separator between tab items in tab controls that have the TCS_BUTTONS or TCS_FLATBUTTONS style. When you create a tab control with the TCS_FLATBUTTONS style, this extended style is set by default.
Windows CE registers this class when it loads the common control DLL. You can use the InitCommonControls function to ensure that this DLL is loaded. To register the tab control class using the InitCommonControlsEx function, specify the ICC_ TAB_CLASSES flag as the dwICC member of the INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX structure you pass in the lpInitCtrls parameter.
You can add tabs to the control using the TCM_INSERTITEM message, which specifies the position of the tab and the address of its TCITEM structure. You can retrieve and set the contents of an existing tab by using the TCM_GETITEM and TCM_SETITEM messages. For each tab, you can specify an icon, a label, or both. You can also specify application-defined data to associate with the tab.
You can associate application-defined data with each tab. For example, you might save information about each page with its corresponding tab. By default, a tab control allocates four extra bytes per tab for application-defined data. You can change the number of extra bytes per tab by using the TCM_SETITEMEXTRA message. You can use this message only when the tab control is empty.
The lParam member of the TCITEM structure specifies application-defined data. If you use more than four bytes of application-defined data, you need to define your own structure and use it instead of TCITEM. You can retrieve and set application-defined data the same way you retrieve and set other information about a tab: Use the TCM_GETITEM and TCM_SETITEM messages.
Note Windows CE does not support vertical text. If you create vertical tabs and want to use vertical text, you have to create a text bitmap and rotate it. Then, you can add the bitmap to an image list and attach it to the tab by specifying its image list index in the iImage member of the TCITEM or TCITEMHEADER structure.