Defining a Menu Template

A menu template defines a menu, including all associated menu items and submenus, in a resource file. Implementing a menu as a resource makes an application easier to localize because only the resource-definition file needs to be localized for each language, and not the application source code. The following code example shows the syntax for menu resource definitions.

menuID MENU [[optional-statements]] { item-definitions . . . }

Here, menuID is either a unique string or unique 16-bit unsigned integer that identifies the menu, optional-statements specify options you can include when creating a menu, and item-definitions are used to create menu items.

There are two types of menu items you can create: MENUITEM and POPUP. A MENUITEM statement specifies a final selection; a POPUP statement specifies a popup submenu, which also may contain MENUITEM and POPUP statements. The following code example shows the syntax for these two menu items.

MENUITEM text, result, [[optionlist]] MENUITEM SEPARATOR
POPUP text, [[optionlist]] { item-definitions . . . }

Here, text is a string that contains the name of the menu, optionlist is a parameter that specifies the appearance of the menu, such as checked or dimmed, and result is the number that is generated when the user chooses the menu item. This parameter accepts an integer value and returns an integer; when the user selects the menu item name, the result is sent to the window that owns the menu.

Windows CE provides a special type of menu item, called a separator, that appears as a horizontal line. You can use a separator to divide a menu into groups of related items. The MENUITEM SEPARATOR form of the MENUITEM statement creates a separator. A separator cannot be used in a command bar, and the user cannot select a separator.

The following code example shows a complete MENU statement.

#define IDR_CEPADMENU                   101
#define IDM_NEW                         40001
#define IDM_OPEN                        40002
#define IDM_SAVE                        40003
#define IDM_SAVEAS                      40004
#define IDM_EXIT                        40005
#define IDM_ABOUT                       40006
#define IDM_UNDO                        40007
#define IDM_CUT                         40008
#define IDM_COPY                        40009
#define IDM_PASTE                       40010
#define IDM_CLEAR                       40011
#define IDM_SELECTALL                   40012
#define IDM_FIND                        40013
#define IDM_FINDNEXT                    40014
#define IDM_REPLACE                     40015

    POPUP "&File"
        MENUITEM "&New            Ctrl+N",            IDM_NEW
        MENUITEM "&Open...        Ctrl+O",            IDM_OPEN
        MENUITEM "&Save            Ctrl+S"            IDM_SAVE
        MENUITEM "Save &As...",                    IDM_SAVEAS
        MENUITEM "&Exit",                        IDM_EXIT

    POPUP "&Edit"
        MENUITEM "&Undo            Ctrl+Z",            IDM_UNDO
        MENUITEM "Cu&t            Ctrl+X",            IDM_CUT
        MENUITEM "&Copy            Ctrl+C",            IDM_COPY
        MENUITEM "&Paste            Ctrl+V",            IDM_PASTE
        MENUITEM "Clea&r            Del",            IDM_CLEAR
        MENUITEM "Select A&ll    Ctrl+A",            IDM_SELECTALL

    POPUP "&Search"
        MENUITEM "&Find...        Ctrl+F",            IDM_FIND
        MENUITEM "Find &Next    F3",                    IDM_FINDNEXT
        MENUITEM "R&eplace...    Ctrl+H",            IDM_REPLACE

    POPUP "&Help"
        MENUITEM "&About CE Pad",                IDM_ABOUT

Menu-template resources can be loaded explicitly or assigned as the default menu for a window class. To load a menu explicitly, call the LoadMenu function. To assign a menu to a window class, assign the name of the menu-template resource to the lpszMenuName member of the WNDCLASS structure that is used to register the class.