Using Data-related Choices

You can use the choices published by the data interfaces in Visual InterDev web projects. This choice provides information about data connections in a Web project so your DTC can subscribe to it.

Warning   Choices exposed by Visual InterDev DTCs may or may not be carried forward in future versions of the DTCs.

The VID98.DatasourceName Choice publishes a choice for each data connection in a Web project specifying its type as DatasourceName. You can extract the list of data connections that are in a Web project's global.asa file. The data connection choice exposes the following members.

Member Value
Type "VID98.DatasourceName"
Text String representing the name of data connection.

IDBElements object
   Views IDBElements object
   StoredProcs IDBElements object
   Synonyms IDBElements object
   Commands IDECommands object
   CommandString String representing ODBC connect string for data connection.
   QueryBuilder Query Builder