Choice Inspector

The Choice Inspector displays the Choices published by Visual InterDev and other DTCs appearing before it on the page. You can add it if you have ChoiceInspect.dll registered on your machine. The inspector is a design-time control created in Visual Basic.

In order to use the Choice Inspector, you need to have Cinspect.dll registered on your computer using CInspect.reg.

To register the Choice Inspector

  1. At a command prompt, navigate to the directory where CInspect.dll resides.

    By default, the .dll is located in c:\program files\dtcsdk60\tools.

  2. Run Regsvr32 CInspect.dll.

  3. Run Regedit CInspect.reg.

    By default, the .reg is located in c:\program files\dtcsdk60\tools. If you installed the SDK or Visual InterDev to a directory other than the default, then you need to edit the .reg file to change the default path to the new one.

If you need to edit the registration file, change path for the following two keys in cinspect.reg from c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio to the current location of Visual Studio on your computer.


After you add the Choice Inspector to your document, you can view the following information about the choices published on the page.




Enter a string specifying a value for the Type property of the choice you want to filter on.


Enter a string specifying the content of the choice.


Use to display only the choices matching the Filter or Text specified.


Use to remove the filter and display all the available choices.

Choices Available


Displays a string specifying the Type of choice you want to filter on.


Displays a string specifying the content of a Choice object.


Displays the string used by the user interface to provide a friendly name for the Choice object.


Displays the number of tags associated with a Choice object.


Displays the names and values of the tags for each Choice object. You can use the drop-down list to view more information about a specific tag.

Details of current choice

Displays the property values for the Choice object selected in the grid above.


An unimplemented property reserved for future use.


Shows whether several Choice objects can have the same value for the Text property.


Shows T (True) if the choice is visible only to DTCs following it on the page or F (False) if visible to all DTCs on the page.


Shows T if the Choice object is currently available. This property can be set to False to make the choice unavailable.


An unimplemented property reserved for future use.


Shows F if the text of the Choice object does not depend on a callback object to generate text.

For more information about using the Choice Inspector, see Viewing Available Choices.