Design-Time Control SDK Overview

Welcome to the Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0 design-time control (DTC) software development kit. This kit gives you everything you need to start creating your own DTCs. DTCs are a class of ActiveX control to use exclusively at design time or authoring time to build HTML, DHTML, and XML statements in a Web page. These controls function like embedded visual tools for use by Web page developers to quickly generate text for a Web page.

Use the following table to get a short answer to common questions and to find the details behind those answers.

Question Short answer and link to details
What is a design-time control? An ActiveX control that generates run-time text. See Comparing an ActiveX Control to a Design-Time Control.
Why create a design-time control? To automate text and scripting for rapid Web page design. See Automating Text and Script.
What do design-time controls provide? Run-time text for a Web page. See Understanding DTC Output.
What is new this year? Sharing information between DTCs. See What's New?.
What is in this SDK? Library files, documentation, and templates. See SDK Files and Information.
How do I create a DTC? Use the DTC interfaces. See Creating a DTC.
What objects, properties, and methods can I use? The Choices object model. See Choices Object Table.
How can I enable Visual InterDev features in my DTC? Subscribe to Visual InterDev's choices, launch the Query Builder, or expose an object model. See Communicating with Visual InterDev.