Automating Text and Script

You can use design-time controls to author any text and target any downstream processor that consumes text. Examples of downstream text processors are HTML browsers, Active Server Pages in Microsoft Internet Information Server, and template processors like Cold Fusion. For example, you can use a design-time control to author:

Your design-time control can target any Microsoft HTML editors such as Visual InterDev™ and Microsoft FrontPage®. Because of the open architecture of design-time controls, third-party HTML editors can dynamically extend their editors and leverage their investment in ActiveX technology.

Note   If your DTC uses the Scripting Object Model, it is not supported by the FrontPage editor.

This SDK covers creating DTCs that incorporate the Choices interfaces and basic methods for automating text. If you want detailed information about how ActiveX and design-time controls automate text, see the "ActiveX Designer Programmer's Reference" and the "Web Design-time SDK" in the MSDN online documentation.