ChoiceFilter Property

Returns a reference to a ChoiceFilter Object that another object has applied. Read-only.


[Set oFilter = ]object.ChoiceFilter



The returned ChoiceFilter object


DTC object


For a ChoiceSink object, this property is the filter that specifies which Choice objects are legal matches.

For a DesignTimeControlSite object, this property is the filter used to determine which Choice objects are allowed to "pass through" the control and are made available to controls later in the page. If you set properties on the ChoiceFilter object, it causes the object to filter out some of the Choice objects that pass through it.

For example, setting the Type property of the ChoiceFilter object to myControl.Filename prevents any Choice objects of the type FileName that were published by previous controls from being visible to controls which come after this one.

This property is not available to DTC Set objects.

By default, this filter is in a no-value state and accepts all choices.

Applies to   ChoiceSink object, IDesignTimeControlSite interface