ChoiceSinks Property

Returns a reference to a ChoiceSinks collection associated with a DTC object. Read-only.


[Set oChoiceSinks = ]object.ChoiceSinks



The returned ChoiceSinks collection


DTC object


Note The DTC architecture specifies only how published choices are bound to subscribing DTCs; it does not specify how publish-subscribe relationships are persisted. DTCs should write enough information into their persistent state so that when reloaded they publish the same choices and set the same properties on the filters in their ChoiceSinks collection. As a result, the same relationships should be recreated when the page is reloaded.

Choices are often bound based on their type and text, where the type is fixed and the text is entered by a user. In this case, the text needs to be persisted, but the type does not.

Applies to   IDesignTimeControlSite interface