DesignTimeControlSite Property

Specifies the site object through which a DTC object communicates with the Choices engine.


object.DesignTimeControlSite[ = oSite]



DTC object.


The DesignTimeControlSite object for this control.


Initially, this property is set when the Choices engine first encounters the DTC object in the document. The DesignTimeControl site is provided independently from the ActiveX control site and is typically not available during the DTC's ActiveX control initialization phase. Instead, the DesignTimeControl site is set when the Choices engine first encounters the DTC object during a rebind. Therefore, the DesignTimeControlSite object is managed separately from the ActiveX control site. The Choices engine is implemented separately from the ActiveX control container that provides the ActiveX control site.

If your DTC has any initialization that requires the DesignTimeControlSite, then the DTC should execute this initialization synchronously when the site is set.

Hosts are expected to set the site to NULL as part of shutting down the document, but this is not required.

Applies to   IDesignTimeControl interface