Type Property

Specifies a set of objects based on a string value.


object.Type[ = [progid].[type]]



DTC object


A String value. The version-independent ID for the DTC or DTC Set object.


A String value. A unique string, prefixed by a period.


Types are identified by string. Typically, the DTC object determines whether it can use a published Choice object, by the type of the Choice object, along with any other distinguishing criteria. By specifying the type, the DTC object avoids having to deal with Choice objects it won't use and lessens the potential risk for collisions with Choices published by other parties.

For example a recordset DTC can publish the type "RS." Data-bound DTC's can filter for and subscribe to choices published by objects with the type of "RS."

Tip   To easily identify and control the scope of choices, prefix the type with the ProgID of the publishing control when specifying a Type property. Using this convention, you can more easily specify interaction between choice objects. For example, you can readily prevent Choice objects published by one developer from interacting with those published by another.

Note   The definition of a new Choice type should include the definition of the exact semantics of each of the fixed-schema Choice object properties, and should also include the definition of whichever tag properties are required or allowed.

To prevent type mismatches, conversion rules are applied if appropriate when comparing the type of a Choice object with the type in a ChoiceFilter object.

Applies to   Choice object, ChoiceFilter object