MakeUniqueChoice Method

Generates a unique Text value for a choice.


MakeUniqueChoice(ByVal Type as String, ByVal Prefix as String, [Options as String]) as String



The types of choices to compare Text against


The text to prepend to the returned choice text


An enumerated value. One of dtcUniqueOverAvailableChoices or dtcUniqueOverAllChoices.


This method returns a string which is unique over the Text values of available Choice objects by appending a numeral to the given string prefix.

Typically, this method is called when initializing a new control during the first OnRebind method. The unique text is usually given to a Choice object that has its TextMustBeUnique property set to True. This method is not available to design-time control Set objects.

Applies to   IDesignTimeControlSite interface