ProcessPopUpChoice Method

Displays a message with a text box for setting the text property for a choice or returns the text of bound choice specified in a ChoiceSink.


ProcessPopUpChoice(ByVal c as Choice, ByVal text as ChoiceSink, s as String, cancel as Boolean)



The choice that called this method


Name of a ChoiceSink


String value of the Text property as entered by the user.


Indicates whether the user canceled a user interface operation. False indicates that the operation was not canceled, True indicates that the operation was canceled. For example, the user might choose Cancel in a message box.


Use this method if you want to collect user input from a message box, a dialog box or similar interface that allows the user to enter text. Your interface should supply a default value for the Choice parameters based on the current value in the user interface control. When the user has finished, ProcessPopUpChoice returns the text of the user's selection in the s parameter. If the user cancels, the ProcessPopUpChoice should set the cancel parameter to True.