Rebind Method

Updates the choice bindings.


Rebind(ByVal Options as dtcRebindOptions)



An enumerated value, either dtcRebindNow or dtcRebindWhenPossible. Use dtcRebindNow for an immediate full rebind. Otherwise, use dtcRebindWhenPossible to wait to perform a rebind until idle time is available.


Use this method to request the ChoicesEngine to enumerate all of the choices published by controls and to connect the choices with the appropriate subscribers. Call this method after any modification that might cause the choices subscribed to by a control to change especially for dynamic choices.

Rebinding is the process performed by the Choices engine during which it enumerates all of the choices published by controls and connects the choices with the appropriate subscribers. It needs to take place after any change that might cause the choices subscribed to by some control to change.

If your DTC changes the set of dynamic choices it returns in the OnGetChoices method, your DTC should call the Rebind method on its associated DesignTimeControlSite and pass dtcRebindWhenPossible to make sure that the Choices engine knows that a new rebind is required.

Applies to   IDesignTimeControlSite interface