IActiveDesigner Interface

Use this interface to make an ActiveX control function as design-time controls and for allowing containers such as the Visual InterDev Editor to host design-time controls. This SDK documents the methods needed to make a design-time control.

The Design-Time Control interfaces work with other COM and ActiveX services documented in the Platform SDK, which is part of the Visual Studio 6.0 MSDN Library online documentation that comes with Visual InterDev. Also, read Chapter 7 of the ActiveX Designer Programmer's Reference found under "Tools and Technologies" in the online documentation. Use the index or search features of the online documentation to find out more about the interfaces in this table.

Keyword Description
IPersist Defines GetClassID, which supplies the CLSID of an object that can be stored persistently in the system.
IPersistStreamInit Provides an initialization method, InitNew, and replaces IPersistStream.
IPersistTextStream Provides the same methods as IPersistStream and allows a DTC to identify itself at creation time.
ISequentialStream Supports simplified sequential access to stream objects.
IStream Supports reading and writing data to stream objects.
IDispatch Supports Automation, which makes it easier for interpretive and macro languages to access COM components.