GetRuntimeClassInfo Method

Returns the root of a type hierarchy for a specified scenario to the caller. All contributions are made to the global level of the application’s scripting namespace. In the Client scenario, this means that the contributions are made to the Window object. In the Server scenario, this means that the contributions are made globally like the Server, Session, Request, Response and Application objects.

Visual Basic Syntax

Private Function IRuntimeClassInfoProvider_GetRuntimeClassInfo( _

ByVal Scenario As String, _

ByVal Reserved As Long) As Variant



Name of the scenario for which a type hierarchy should be returned.


Reserved. The caller must supply a zero value.

Visual C++ Syntax

HRESULT GetRuntimeClassInfo(

[in] BSTR    bstrScenario,

[in] DWORD   dwReserved,

[out] IUnknown **ppUnkClassInfo,




[in] Name of the scenario for which a type hierarchy should be returned.


[in] Reserved. The caller must supply a NULL value.


[out] The root of the type hierarchy.

Return Values

The return value obtained from HRESULT is one of the following:

Return Value Meaning

The type hierarchy could be provided for the scenario. NULL is a valid value.


The scenario is unknown.


If the object model is large or complicated, create the object model as necessary instead of each time this method is called. You can use a method such as UserControl_Initialize to create the model and update it as often as necessary. If you use another method be sure to add following to the GetRuntimeClassInfo method.

Dim unk As IUnknown
Set unk = rcia
Set IRuntimeClassInfoProvider_GetRuntimeClassInfo = unk 

Be sure to define RUNTIMECLASSINFOAUTHOR as a class variable and not a local variable.

Applies to   IRuntimeClassInfoProvider Interface