Platform SDK: Win32 API


A flashing line, block, or bitmap that marks the location of the insertion point in a window's client area. See also bitmap.
character code
A numeric value that represents a particular character in a set, such as the ASCII character set. See also code page.
character set
A mapping of characters to their identifying numeric values. See also multibyte character set, single-byte character set, Unicode.
character-mode application
An application that does not provide its own graphical user interface (GUI). The Win32 API provides consoles for managing input and output (I/O) for character-mode applications. See also console.
child process
A process (child) initiated by another process (the parent). The child process can operate independently from the parent process. Further, the parent process can suspend or terminate without affecting the child process. See also parent process.
child window
A window that has the WS_CHILD style. A child window always appears within the client area of its parent window.
child-window identifier
An application-defined value assigned to a child window. An application that creates multiple child windows of the same class uses the identifiers to distinguish among the child windows.
A region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a secant. It is outlined using the current pen and filled by using the current brush. See also ellipse, secant.
class cursor
The default cursor for a window class. The class cursor is specified by the hCursor member of a WNDCLASS structure. See also cursor.
class icon
The default icon for a window class. The class icon is identified by the hIcon member of a WNDCLASS structure. See also icon.
class menu
The default menu for a window class. All windows of a given class use the same menu unless the application specifies a different menu when creating a window of that class. See also menu, window.
To press and release a mouse button.
client area
The part of a window where the application displays output such as text or graphics.
client coordinates
Coordinates relative to the upper left corner of a window's client area.
A set of functions and messages used to transfer information between applications or within an application.
clipboard format
The format of data on the clipboard. A window can copy information to the clipboard using multiple clipboard formats. A clipboard format is identified by a unique unsigned integer value. See also clipboard, window.
clipboard owner
The window associated with the information on the clipboard. It is possible for there to be no clipboard owner. See also clipboard, window.
clipboard viewer
A window that displays the contents of the clipboard. See also clipboard, window.
clip path
One or more irregular shapes in a window's client area where clipped output appears. The edges of a clip path can be straight lines, Bezier curves, or combinations of the two. See also irregular shape.
The process of limiting output to a region or path within the client area of an application's window.
clipping region
A polygon or ellipse in a window's client area where clipped output appears. See also ellipse, polygon.
The unit of storage allocation used in FAT and NTFS file systems. A cluster is an integer power of two multiple of the sector size. On floppy diskettes, the cluster is usually two sectors, or 1024 bytes, in size. On some file systems, a cluster may be as much as 64 sectors. For the purposes of defragmentation, a cluster may be viewed as either a logical cluster or a virtual cluster. See also defragmentation, logical cluster, virtual cluster.
CMY format
See cyan, magenta, yellow (CMY) format.
code page
A mapping of characters to 256 8-bit character codes. See also character code.
A description of file views that contain identical data at a given time. File views are coherent if they are derived from the same file-mapping object.
color management
A technology that translates the colors of an object (images, graphics, or text) from their current color space to the color space of output devices such as monitors, printers, and plotters.
color palette
An array containing the RGB (red, green, blue) values identifying the colors that can currently be displayed or drawn on the output device. Color palettes are used by devices that are capable of generating many colors but can only display or draw a subset of these at any given time.
color palette index
An integer value that identifies a specific palette entry.
color plane
An array of bits that represents the red, green, blue, or intensity components for the pixels in a bitmapped image. See also bitmapped image, pixel.
color space
A model for representing color as three or more coordinates. Color-space models map color components onto a Cartesian coordinate system in three or more dimensions. A color space may use any of several types of color encoding and visualizing color. The two most common types of color space models are RGB and YUV.
color table
An array of RGBQUAD structures. Each RGBQUAD structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, and blue.
command item
A menu item that, when chosen, sends a command message to the window procedure of the window that owns the menu. See also menu item, window.
A string of text inserted between records in a metafile. See also metafile.
committed page
A page of memory in a process's virtual address space for which physical storage has been allocated. The storage is either in RAM or on disk.
common dialog box
A dialog box that an application displays by calling a single function rather than by creating a dialog box procedure and a resource file containing the dialog box template. See also resource file.
common display context
The default display context assigned to a window that does not specify CS_OWNDC or CS_CLASSDC as the window's class style. See also display context, window.
communications resource
A physical or logical device that provides a single bidirectional, asynchronous data stream. Serial ports, parallel ports, fax machines, and modems are examples of communications resources. For each communications resource, there is a service provider, consisting of a library or driver, that enables applications to access the resource.
compatible device context (DC)
A virtual-device context that provides a means of storing an image that was created on a physical screen. (Compatible DCs are sometimes referred to as "memory" DCs.) See also device context.
completion routine
A function specified in a call to either the ReadFileEx or WriteFileEx function. A completion routine is queued for execution when the read or write operation is finished. The completion routine is not executed until the thread that called the ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx function enters an alertable wait. See also alertable wait.
composite character
An accented character represented by two character values, one for the base character and another for the nonspacing accent character. See also base character, nonspacing character, precomposed character.
compound file
A number of individual files bound together in one physical file. Each individual file in a compound file can be accessed as if it were a single physical file.
An interface that provides input and output to character-mode applications. See also character-mode application.
console modes
Settings associated with a console that determine the behavior of some of its input and output operations.
console process
A character-mode process whose entry point is the main function. A console process uses the console functions or the file input and output (I/O) functions for I/O, while a graphical user interface (GUI) process uses the USER/graphic device interface (GDI) functions. See also process.
console window
A window managed by the system that a console uses to receive input and display output.
A network resource that contains other network resources. The contained resources can be such objects as servers or printers, or containers that can also contain further objects and containers. See also sharepoint.
context record
A record of the machine state created when an exception occurs. The context record is saved in a CONTEXT structure.
A child window used to carry out simple input and output (I/O) tasks.
control identifier
A number that an application uses to uniquely identify a control.
control message
A message sent to a control to request information or perform an action.
control set
A set of configurable options for a computer. See also profile.
control style
A value, similar to a window style, that specifies the appearance and behavior of a control. The window procedure for the control uses the style to determine how to draw the control and process input.
coordinate space
A planar space based on the Cartesian coordinate system. This system requires two axes that are perpendicular and equal in length. There are four coordinate spaces: world, page, device, and physical device (client area, or desktop, or page of printer paper).
Coordinated Universal Time
The standard international time used internally by the system.
cosmetic pen
A pen with dimensions specified in device units. See also pen.
A general term referring to an incrementing variable.
critical section
An object used to synchronize the threads of a single process. Only one thread at a time can own a critical-section object.
current directory
The directory at the end of the active path. This is the directory where the active application started, unless explicitly changed. See also directory.
current position
The starting point for any line-drawing or curve-drawing operations.
current selection
The portion of a document the user has marked in preparation for carrying out a command.
A small bitmap whose location on the screen is controlled by a pointing device, such as a mouse, pen, or trackball. See also bitmap.
cursor handle
A unique value of the HCURSOR type that identifies a cursor.
custom cursor
A cursor designed for use in a specific application.
custom icon
An icon designed for use in a specific application. See also icon.
custom resource
See application-defined resource.
cyan, magenta, yellow (CMY) format
A color format that identifies a given color with a cyan, magenta, yellow (CMY) format triplet. This format is used by printers and other ink-based devices.