Platform SDK: Win32 API

Limitations of Some Existing Functions

The following functions have limitations on FAT32 media.

Limitations Description
File Control Block Functions The open and create functions will only work for creating a volume label on a FAT32 drive. However, FCB Find_First/Next, Delete, and Rename will work and will return the entire 32-byte directory entry on FAT32 media.
Handle-Based File Write Functions Win32-based applications can extend a file to a size greater than 2GB minus 1byte without special handling. However, non-Win32 applications must open such files with Int 21h Function 6Ch specifying the EXTENDED_SIZE flag. If not, write functions will fail and ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0005h) will be returned.
Handle-Based File Open and Create Functions Win32-based applications can open files larger than 2GB minus 1byte in size without special handling. Non-Win32-based applications must open such files with Int 21h Function 6Ch specifying the EXTENDED_SIZE flag. However, using an old style create to truncate a file will not fail.