Platform SDK: Win64 Programming Preview

Testing Your Application for 64-bit Windows

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Microsoft Platform SDK, and the Windows 2000 operating system, include several features that make it easier for you to develop 32-bit applications that will port easily to 64-bit platforms. Most of these, such as the new data types defined in Basetsd.h, are described in Getting Ready for 64-bit Windows.

The 64-bit toolkit that ships with the Platform SDK includes a 64-bit MIDL compiler, Midl.exe, for generating native 64-bit stubs, as well as 32-bit stubs. Use the /env win64 switch to generate 64-bit stubs only. The default is to generate dual stubs that run on both platforms.

Note that the 64-bit MIDL supports the /Oicf and /Os optimization modes only.