BitMask DD ?
cbInque DD ?
cbOutque DD ?
Contains information about the status of a communications channel and the amount of data in the receive and transmit queues. This structure is filled by _VCOMM_ClearCommError and _VCOMM_GetCommQueueStatus.
Value | Meaning |
fCtsHold | Transmission is suspended because CTS is off. |
fDsrHold | Transmission is suspended because DSR is off. |
fRlsdHold | Transmission is suspended because RLSD is off. |
fXoffHold | Transmission is suspended because the XOFF character was received. |
fXoffSent | An XOFF handshaking character has been sent. |
fEof | The end-of-file (EOF) character was received. |
fTxim | An "immediate" character, specified in a previous call to the _VCOMM_TransmitCommChar service, is waiting to be transmitted. |
_VCOMM_ClearCommError, _VCOMM_GetCommQueueStatus, _VCOMM_TransmitCommChar