VxDCall _VCOMM_ClearCommError, <hPort, <OFFSET32 cmst>, \
<OFFSET32 dwErrors>>
or eax, eax
jz error_handler
Reenables a port after a communications error. Uses the C calling convention. This is an asynchronous service.
Value | Meaning |
CE_BREAK | The hardware detected a break condition. |
CE_CTSTO | CTS time-out. Transmission was suspended due to CTS for the duration specified by the CtsTimeout field of _DCB. |
CE_DNS | The parallel device is not selected. |
CE_DSRTO | DSR time-out. Transmission was suspended due to DSR for the duration specified by the DsrTimeout field of _DCB. |
CE_FRAME | The hardware detected a framing error. |
CE_IOE | An input/output (I/O) error occurred. |
CE_MODE | A requested mode is not supported, or the hPort parameter is invalid. If this flag is set, this is the only valid error. |
CE_OOP | The parallel device signaled that it is out of paper. |
CE_OVERRUN | Character-buffer overrun. The next character is lost. |
CE_PTO | Time-out on a parallel device. |
CE_RLSDTO | RLSD time-out. Transmission was suspended due to RLSD for the duration specified by the RlsdTimeout field of _DCB. |
CE_RXOVER | Receive queue overflow. There is either no room in the receive queue, or a character was received after the EOF character was received. |
CE_RXPARITY | The hardware detected a parity error. |
CE_TXFULL | The _VCOMM_WriteComm service was called when the transmit queue was full. |
CE_Unused1 | Reserved; do not use. |
CE_Unused2 | Reserved; do not use. |