
include vcomm.inc

VxDCall _VCOMM_EscapeCommFunction, <hPort, lFunc, \
    InData, <OFFSET32 OutData>>
or      eax, eax
jz      error_handler

Directs the communications port driver to carry out an extended function. Uses the C calling convention. This is an asynchronous service.

Handle of a communications resource.
Value identifying the extended function to carry out. The following common extended functions are defined in VCOMM.INC.
Value Meaning
CLEARBREAK Clears break condition, resuming transmission.
CLRDTR Clears the DTR signal.
CLRRTS Clears the RTS signal.
DUMMY Performs no action.
GETCLOSEPROP Returns the close property of the port driver in the address specified by the OutData parameter.
RESET Asserts a signal on the reset line of an LPT port, if available. This can be used to reset a printer. No action is taken if the hPort parameter identifies a COM port.
SETBREAK Sets the break condition, halting transmission.
SETCLOSEPROP Sets the close property of the port driver to the InData parameter. The previous close property is returned in the address specified by the OutData parameter.
SETDTR Sets the DTR signal.
SETRTS Sets the RTS signal.
SETXOFF Causes transmission to act as if an XOFF character has been received.
SETXON Causes transmission to act as if an XON character has been received.

Port drivers can define additional extended functions to expose device-specific features. Extended functions can be used in conjunction with driver-defined events to facilitate two-way message passing between an application and port driver.

Function-specific 32-bit parameter.
Address to receive function-specific data.

Except for GETCLOSEPROP and SETCLOSEPROP, the extended functions defined in VCOMM.INC ignore the InData and OutData parameters.

See Also

_VCOMM_CloseComm, _VCOMM_GetLastError