2 TRANSTAB Structure

There are three formats of character-translation tables available for use.
The first is a single byte-to-byte translation used for simple remappings.
The second is a single byte-to-two bytes translation, where the second
character is used to overstrike the first. The DI_BKSP_OK flag determines
how the cursor should be repositioned to overstrike the second character.
The third allows a single byte-to-variable length string that may contain
commands to change symbol sets, or whatever else is necessary, to create
the desired character. This difference between these formats is transparent
to the user, but UniTool creates the character-translation table in the
format resulting in the smallest file size depending upon the actual
translations specified by the user. Any printer commands sent from the CTT
cannot change the permanent state of the printer.

    typedef struct {
        WORD    wType;            // indicates type of translation table.
        BYTE    chFirstChar;
        BYTE    chLastChar;
            short    psCode[1];
            BYTE     bCode[1];
            BYTE     bPairs[2][1];
            } uCode;

Member        Description

wType         Specifies the type of translation table.

              Value               Meaning

              CTT_WTYPE_COMPOSE   uCode is an array of 16-bit offsets from
                                  the beginning of the file pointing to the
                                  strings to use for translation. The
                                  length of the translated string is the
                                  difference between the next offset and
                                  the current offset. Please note that an
                                  additional offset is needed (dfLastChar +
                                  1) to provide a means to read the length
                                  of the string for the translation of the
                                  last character.

              CTT_WTYPE_DIRECT    uCode is a byte array of one-to-one
                                  translation table from chFirstChar to

              CTT_WTYPE_PAIRED    uCode contains an array of paired,
                                  unsigned bytes. If only one character is
                                  needed to do the translation, then the
                                  second byte is zero, otherwise the second
                                  byte is struck over the first byte.

chFirstChar   First character in character-translation table.

chLastChar    Last character in character-translation table.