Copying Files

One or more sections must be put into the INF file that causes the files on an installation diskette to be copied to specific sub directories on the hard disk, and these section names must be listed in the CX2590.Install section in the INF file. Corporation X is providing two files to support the device on one installation diskette:

The following sections walk through the procedure of using Infedit to add the required sections and Install section items to the INF file. Note that in this example case, no files have to be renamed when they are copied from the diskette to the hard disk; if renaming was required, a Rename Files-type section would have to be put into the INF file. Also note that for this example CX2590 installation, no preexisting files on the hard drive, such as obsolete drivers, have to be deleted as part of the overall file copying strategy; if there were such requirements, a DelFiles-type section would have to be put in the INF file.