Specifying the Default Destination Directory

The default destination directory for an installation is specified in the INF file header section. (The header section of an INF file is also called the Version section.) To use Infedit to specify the default destination directory:

  1. Double-click on the root folder of the Infedit display (the folder at the top of the tree in the Infedit user interface, which is labeled C:\sampinf\xscsi.inf in this example).
  2. Double-click on the label Default Destination Directory in the Item column of the edit area of the Infedit user interface. This causes the Edit Destination dialog to be displayed.
  3. In the Edit Destination dialog, select LDID_BOOT from the LDID dropdown list, and then enter BIN in the Subdirectory Relative to LDID Path edit box.
  4. Select the OK button on the dialog box and the path C:\BIN appears in the Default Destination Directory value column in the edit area (if, as in this example, the computer boot directory is C:\).