Adding Strings to the Strings Section

The values of all the items in the Strings section of an INF file are strings that appear in the user interface when the device is installed. Having all these strings in one section of the INF file makes it easier to translate them for international markets.

Infedit automatically puts a Strings section in any INF file it is building and adds items to it as needed. For example, when you add the device description item to the Manufacturer section, Infedit automatically puts that string, "CX2590 SCSI Adapter" in the sample INF file, into the Strings section. You never directly edit the strings put into the Strings section in this way by Infedit.

To add strings to the Strings section in addition to the strings Infedit automatically places there, right-click on the Strings folder and select the Add String Value option from the popup menu. In the edit area, two items are displayed: String Name and Replacement Value. For the String Name value, use a name of a form other than %Stringn% where n is an integer value. The Replacement Value value is the actual string that will be displayed at the user interface when the INF file is used.

In the example case of XSCSI.INF, there are no strings to add to the Strings section. In other INF files, it may be necessary for you to add strings to the Strings section. In particular, after you have built an AddReg. Ini File to Registry, Update Ini File, or Update Ini Fields type of section, ask yourself if any of the string values in these types of sections will be displayed at the user interface. If you identify such strings, you are responsible for making an entry in the Strings section for each one. It is important to note that you will have to change the item value in the other section (such as the AddReg type section) the String Name value that you use in the Strings section (String Name values have the form %string-name%). For a look at the relationship between string name values in the Strings section and the other sections of an INF file, see the topic Sample INF File Listing.